Wendy joined Compass in 2011 and proves on a daily basis that healthy and tasty don't have to be complete strangers.
"As a dietician at Compass Group, I can count on my scientific and theoretical knowledge to make sure everyone involved in our three main segments (Eurest, Scolarest and Medirest) collaborates efficiently. We are all members of the relevant councils: l’Union Professionnelle des Diététiciens de la Langue Française (UPDLF) and the Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging van Diëtisten (VBVD).
On a day-to-day basis, I face a variety of challenges. I have to make sure the quality of food on offer in our menus is top level, but we also have to keep track of a multitude of guidelines and regulations.
My colleagues and I are the main reference sources for all dietary advice in the company.
Our job is to find the ideal compromise: how to create a balanced menu with healthy and tasty recipes for any type of diet.
Our role is also to invite people to think about their own food intake and, leading from that, to make the right choices."