Workspace Well-Being, Inspired by you
Inspiring people and creating feel-good moments, that is essential for Eurest. We want to make every moment a valuable experience, with food as the connecting factor. By bringing together the right ingredients, we create an environment where people feel positive.
Our vision of 'workplace well-being' - the sense of well-being among employees - is built on four pillars: food, community, ownership and storytelling. The synergy between these pillars leads to a working environment where employees like to stay, feel at home and can achieve outstanding performance, every day.

Food - More good stuff, less bad stuff
Our food has to be tasty, healthy and balanced. After all, food and vitality are inextricably connected.
Our focus is on a healthy seasonal and regional offer: more vegetables, fruit, wholemeal products and vegetable proteins. And less meats, sugars and salts.

Ownership - Making it easy
We provide convenience. Not just in our food services, but also in delivering the right information and using the right technological developments. This allows our clients to have, at their fingertips, all the information they need to run their food services flexibly and dynamically and to play into trends in food and work culture.
But we don't just give ownership; we take ownership as well. We monitor market evolutions and trends and give our clients valuable advice on future developments.

Community - More than just a workplace
We create multifunctional areas where people come to have a meal or a drink, to work, study, meet, talk or relax, or just to be. We take initiatives that encourage the productivity and innovative potential of people.
And we adapt our offer accordingly with all-day food & drink: from breakfast to coffee break, lunch, and more...

Storytelling - Promise & Commitment
In times of fakish news and altered perceptions, we are committed to bring you the true story behind the foods we serve and the people who serve them.
We use more and more storytelling to give our clients and guests behind-the-scenes peeks at our business. Insights into what makes food taste so delicious, what we do to keep from adding too much fats, salts and sugars, how we give equal opportunities to anyone with a disadvantage in the labour market, how we deal with plastics and other disposables.

Division cases
It's about how we can bring well-being to your workplace by offering better food in a better environment. Want to hear more?